The Neuroscience of Abundance: Wealth Attraction Techniques

The Neuroscience of Abundance: Wealth Attraction Techniques blend ancient wisdom and modern neuroscience with practical applications.
Affirmation Mantras: The Keys To Unlock This Superpower

Unlock the power of affirmation mantras. Learn how to develop authentic affirmations, to enhance your spiritual growth and manifest the life of your dreams.
How To Manifest Something Into Being – A Step By Step Guide

Discover the law of attraction and manifesting, find useful manifesting methods and get your manifestation journal here.
The Power of Giving

It’s not necessary to hoard or to give everything away. Here are a few tips on giving and receiving and how they balance each other out.
How To Manipulate Energy: Three Basic Rules

The vibration on which you set your intention is where the field of energy comes in to play with the Law of Attraction.
How to Use Feelings to Manifest

Many people don’t understand the importance of feelings, or how to use their feelings to manifest.
How to Control Your Focus When Manifesting

You may have tried your hand at meditating, got a busy bee mind and then never tried again.
How to Meditate when Manifesting

Mediation has many benefits from clearing to bringing you a sense of inner peace that will manifest in your outer life.
How to Fine Tune Your Vibration

Just as a musician might use a tuning fork to fine tune the pitch of an instrument, you can fine tune your own vibration.
Declare Your Intentions For Manifesting

If you want your desires to show up in your life, you have to do the work. If you do, you will be rewarded.