So you want to know how to manipulate energy and create abundance? Anyone interested in the Law of Attraction knows what it is but may not know how to use it.
Millions of people across the globe most likely heard about it through the movie and book “The Secret,” which demonstrates three basic rules regarding the Law of Attraction.
- Clear your mind.
- Use the power of intention.
- Be confident and open to receiving.
First, you need to clear out the clutter in your mind. For some, that is going into deep prayer, while for others, it is meditating for a few minutes every day. Whatever works for you is an exploration; you will have to journey yourself to find out what works for you.
Next is the power of intention. Firmly and declare your intention. If you are wishy-washy, you’ll get wishy-washy results. Declare and visualize the energy vibration you wish to create in your reality.

Confidence is the next step. You asked for it, meditated and prayed on it and even visualized it; now, all you have to do is have the confidence that it will come to fruition. What is meant by the manipulation of energy?
Manipulation of Energy
The vibration on which you set your intention is where the field of energy comes into play with the Law of Attraction. If, as stated above, your energy field is unsure, uncertain, or questioning your intention, you will get insecure, uncertain, and questionable results.
If you set clear intentions with a positive attitude, your every wish and desire has the power to come to visit your reality.
How to Manipulate Energy to Your Benefit
Manipulating energy isn’t all smiles and thinking happy thoughts; it is not looking at life through rose-colored glasses. When you want to manifest through the law of attraction, there are certain practices you need to incorporate to manipulate your energy.
The positive approach
To manipulate your energy means you are in control of your manifesting and the speed at which you do it. Whatever you want to manifest, you need to match it with a positive vibration.

If, for example, you want to manifest love, then you should feel and be loving. When you are focused on feeling and being loving, you will attract loving people to you. Be choosey with your positive feelings and match them to your manifestation practice.
Feel your way through it
It’s essential to have positive feelings you can associate with when manipulating your energy. Feel excited, joyful or grateful about the breakthrough you are about to have.
Feel excited, confident or proud of yourself because of that raise or promotion you’re going to get. Be sure to feel those things before these dreams happen. Feel the feelings of excitement, joy, or gratitude in advance. Just wait and see how quickly things manifest.
Be confident
Once you’ve chosen the positive attributes to associate with your manifestation, match it with an equal feeling vibration. Then, have faith.
Be confident that your wish will happen. Be so sure of your master manifestation ability, and know that the positive outcome you are dreaming of will happen.